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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do you improve your acting?

Question: How do you improve your acting!?
Don't answer "you need talent,or get lost"!.I want some logical answers on how can you polish your talent!.Intelligent answers are welcome,others- Please Don't Waste Your TimeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Firstly remember if this is what you want, you'll spend your whole life trying to improve your acting!. Now!.
- Act!.
- Join a theatre group!.
- Read as many plays and books as you can!.
- Go to the theatre, watch movies!.
- Read about practitioners: Stanislavski (probably the most renowned), Brecht, Peter Brook, Meyerhold, Grotowski!. Most of their methods you probably won't agree on, but it will still teach you something!.
Take what you need, and discard the rest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well you can take acting classes all different kinds like improv classical contemporary comedy shakespear that kind of stuff dont just stick to one type of acting

also i found it very helpful to study how others act on tv or in movies and immitate them and after you realize how they portrayed the character try and change it up and make it your own special way of being that character it helps a lot

also practice crying in front of a mirror like i sometimes stand in my bathroom playing a sad song and working my emotions to help me cry better

good luck!!!
answer mine!

first off, you have to be able to go into character in a matter of seconds and stay in the character no matter whats happening around you!.!.such as laughing or losing focus!. focus is only thinking about what you need to do to fulfill the scene!. ways to help with the process of transitioning to and from your charatcer is to relaxs your body, forget all of your probelms and fears, maybe listen to soothing music, and do breathing techniques to furthur relax your body!. alos it is more complex to memorize your lines when you have thoughts about anything other than the lines and what is going on in the scene at the time of the lines!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Acting does not need ''classes'' though!.If an actor has taken acting classes,then he is an artificial actor,not natural!.IT is not that we have to be talented,but it depends upon how we frame ourselves into the picture of the character given to us!.Doing frequent practice also helps!.But who gets time in this fast moving world!?So be natural!.!.be your own self,coz life is a film,with different twists!.!.!.and you are the hero of it!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

take some classes from some person or try again and again coz its said na try -try till u succecedWww@QuestionHome@Com

sleep with the director!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pl!. do rehearsal for yourself in front of a mirrorWww@QuestionHome@Com

may b u shud go to acting classes and practice drama things in ur home alone or wth frnz!.!.!.

i believe practice makes things perfect!.!.isnt it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com