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Question: Demo tapes for acting!?
well there is an upcoming movie and it says you need a demo tape!.!.!.and when i clicked the sample it was clips of shows and movie's this girl has been in!. well i have not BEEN in any shows or movies, but it says you need a demo tape!.!.what should i do!?
by the way can i make a HOMEMADE video of me acting and send that in as my demo!?
nothing rude, mkay!?
please & thanks SO much!! :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
While I do agree that if you don't have any previous work, you don't have a demo reel- I don't think you shouldn't try just because you're not experienced!. The only problem is, to make a demo reel that can compete with the professionals, you'll have a LOT of work ahead of you!.

First thing that makes a home movie look like a home movie is the lighting!. They almost always look dark and grainy, so make sure you have a lot of light!. White poster board can help you direct the light where you want it (but you'll need at least one other person to help you!. Which is ideal and a better than doing it on your own)!.

The second is shaky camera work!. Keep your camera on a tripod and don't do any zoom or pan shots to make it more interesting because it will only highlight the amature nature!. Edit close-ups into the demo instead!.

Which brings me to #3- editing!. A home movie will have none!. Smooth editing to show you in different angles, and in near and far shots need to be added!. The easiest way to do it: when filming, film your entire scene or monologue one way, than move your lights & camera and film it from another angle, than film it all close up (or something like that)!. Do a couple takes in each spot!. Make sure you get at least 3 'cut-away' shots*!.

And finally you need to have different locations!. If you film three different monologues (or parts of monologues) you need three different locations & wardrobes to make it look like three different movies!.
Make sure your locations aren't loud, with alot of weird background noise, unless that's part of the scene (but with editing you can always add background noise, you can't really take it away)!.

There are more things that will help, but this should give you at least a fighting chance!. Find monologues from plays or movies that really show off your range and skills, and make sure the demo is the length they ask for!. also, try checking out books or surfing the net to get an idea of what else to look for when making semi-professional movies at home!.

Break a leg!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, what you saw is a true demo reel - a series of short clips of an actors previous work!.

If you don't have any previous work, than you don't have a demo reel!. Simple!. Do not make a homemade!. If a production company is asking for demo reels they are expecting what you saw in the sample, if you don't have that than don't waste their (or your) time by submitting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a video shot under a professional is better than a homemade tape!.!.!.
but, it costs you lot of money!.!.!.!.!.so a homemade video is prefferable better!. take some amature filmmakers advice, if possible help, that may help you !.!.!.!.!.
all the best for your demo tape!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com