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Question: Friar Lawrence's Plan from Romeo and Juliet!?
What are the steps of friar lawrences plan of getting romeo and juliet back together !!!!10 points!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
* Friar Laurence gives Juliet a potion that will make her appear to be dead, but only for a while!. He tells her to take it alone in her bedroom!.
* Juliet takes the potion, and the Nurse runs into her bedroom thinking Juliet is dead!.
* The wedding between Paris & Juliet does not take place (of course, because Juliet seems dead) and instead they have a funeral for Juliet, and she is placed in the Capulet's morgue!.
* Friar Laurence planned to have a messenger deliver Romeo (who is in Mantua) a letter explaining their plan
* Friar Laurence was going to go to the morgue, wake Juliet up/wait for her to wake up, and take her to Mantua so she could be with Romeo

* The letter did NOT get delivered to Romeo: the messenger was quarintined in a house suspected of having plague!. Romeo raced to the Capulet's morgue, once Bathlasar told Romeo he saw Juliet dead!. Romeo killed himself, thinking Juliet was dead!. Juliet woke up, saw Romeo dead, and killed herself!. The Friar arrived to the morgue too late!.

:D Hope that helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

friar lawrence gives juliet the potion that makes her seem as if she was dead, she is put in her family's morgue!. A messenger is sent to romeo telling him she is not actually dead and to meet her in the morgue so they can run away together!. romeo goes to morgue as juliet wakes up from the deathsleep the potion put her in and they run off together!. of course, it didn't workWww@QuestionHome@Com

friar gives juliet sleeping potion she drinks and is taken for dead she is sent to the morgue menwhile friar has sent a message to romeo to tell him to rescue juliet from morgue they then escape away fom varonnaWww@QuestionHome@Com