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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is cold reading important?

Question: Is cold reading important!?
I have always loved cold reading!. Going along with the performance without knowing what will come up!.!. it helps bring truth to a performance I feel!. You really feel the emotions!.!.

Is cold reading an important skill to have!? In acting classes do you ever get the oppurtunity to cold read!?

I loved my experiences in my last year of high school last year cold reading scripts!.!. reading an hours worth at a time !.!. with just a few people and being able to capture the attention of 25 people!. Im really shy, but everyone was surprised my teacher kept asking me to take lead roles every week!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Being able to pick up a new script and read a part well is one of the most valuable talents you can have!. Why!? Auditions!.

When you're auditioning for a play, you are handed a script and asked to read solo or with another actor or other actors!. The more convincing your reading, the better chance you have of getting the part!.

However, it is equally important not to bury your face in the script!. If you have not yet acquired this skill, you must learn to cold-read while looking at either your audition partner(s) or, when reading solo, at the audience (director and others watching)!.

You may also be asked in an audition to improvise, which might be thought of as cold-reading from within!.

It is a truism that actors are often very shy people!. So you have plenty of company in that regard!.

Congratulations on your new-found talent! Build on it and you may find yourself an accomplished actor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

go for it!.!.!.your talents abound you!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com