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Question: How do I become a hollywood actress!?
What all things do I need to keep in mind!?
If you don't know or don't bother,don't answer!.Don't write rubbish for answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why not start with the question, "How do I become a good actress!?"

You can check out interviews with your favorite female actors (the word "actress" is not current outside of academia and community theater; both males and females are called "actors!.")

See how the actors got started!. There is/used to be a TV show called "Inside the Actors Studio!." I used to watch it on the Bravo channel!. James Lipton interviewed successful actors who studied at the Actors Studio in NYC!. The audience is made up of contemporary students at the Studio, and they are allowed to ask questions at the end of the show--an interesting feature!.

These interviews are available on DVD and You Tube,

Check out: www!.bravotv!.com/Inside_the_Actors_Studio!.!.!. They have a store where they sell 7 DVDs!.

also, on Amazon!.com, DVDs of the show are available at: www!.amazon!.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw!?url=search!.!.!.
They seem to have the same DVDs!. Plus they have interviews of actors by Charlie Rose!. I haven't seen any of Charlie Rose's interviews, so can't recommend!.

There are other professional studios you may want to look into!. I went to the Herbert Bergoff Studio (I was studying to be a director) and received a full fellowship!. Fellowships are probably available for most or all of the other professional studios!.

I would not recommend graduate programs at universities!. Just my opinion!. There's a reason that people at colleges/universities refer to "the real world," meaning life outside academia!. If you want to be a professional, study with professionals!. Again, just my opinion!.

I assume that when you say "Hollywood actress," you mean an actor in films and tv!. Michael Caine has a series called "Acting in Film: An Actor's Take on Movie Making" on You Tube!. It's also available as a book and as a DVD!.

These are just a few ideas!. I wish you all the best!. Let me know how it goes!. You have my Yahoo! name, so you should be able to reach me through Yahoo!


This question is asked at least 100 times a week here!. Check the section of "similar questions" for an answer!. It becomes tiring constantly telling you kids that your chances of becoming a Hollywood actor or actress are very slim!. Start in community theater and school plays!. Realize that you need connections in the business (it's WHO you know not WHAT you know, and dear, that's NOT rubbish!), and you need tons of talent, the right look, and an agent!. They are hard to come by and only take a select few!. Most people never get their foot in the door!. also, many actors and actresses are the children of Hollywood people, and that is how they gained their entry into the business: Gwyneth Paltrow (Blythe Danner), Jane Fonda (Henry Fonda), Brigit Fonda (neice of Jane and daughter of Peter; granddaughter of Henry); Angelina Jolie (Jon Voight), Jennifer Jason Leigh (Vic Tyback), Ron Howard (Rance Howard), Ron Howard's daughter, who starred in a movie a couple of years ago, The Bridges' brothers - Beau and Jeff (sons of Lloyd Bridges), Colin Hanks (Tom Hanks), Ashley Judd (The Judd singing act), Jennifer Anniston (her father was in the business behind the scenes), Late Hudson (Goldie Hawn); Sally Field (Jock Mahoney - you would probably not know who he was but he was once a fairly prominent star in the business); Katherine Houghton (niece of Katherine Hepburn); Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez (sons of Martin Sheen), Matthew Broderick (James Broderick); Jason Connery (Sean Connery), and the list goes on and on!. Some you may or may not have heard of but connections are vital in the business!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Apply to all agents in CA - Hollywood or who deal with Hollywood!!! May involve alot of research and to all casting directers, try working behind the scenes (e!.g making the tea, cleaning the set ect!.!. to sneak your way into any possible oppurtunities!.!.!. you would have to travel over there, best wishes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, you certainly have the attitude of a 'Star', Darling!. If you are eventually reduced to sleeping with someone through lack of talent, make sure it's not a scriptwriter!. Go for a producer or studio executive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having good contacts in an important part!. Knowing someone who has stared in a well known film, and asking them to ask the casting director for a one-on-one talk abgout a possibe carrer is a good place to start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sleep with a director , or an agent or a camera man or all three!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rubbish! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

i m donig acting nd i have experience in this line!.pis give me add in delhi serial der!.thxWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not a pinhead who would suggest sleeping your way to the top!. But I would say!.!.!.boob job!! And maybe some acting classes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com