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Question: I need your opinion on Romeo and Juliet!.!?
What would you describe the fight (duel) between Mercutio and Tybalt that lead to Mercutio's death!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would describe the fight as utterly stupid, actually!. Tybalt was looking to fight Romeo, and Romeo refused!.!.!. Mercutio got himself involved, and the whole fight escalated!.

I would also call it heartbreaking, since Mercutio lost his life, partly because of Romeo's fault (he got in between Mercutio & Tybalt) and also since when Meructio dies he curses BOTH the houses: Montague, and Capulet!. Seeing your best friend die, cursing your family, must be heartbreaking!.

I also called it stupid because Mercutio's death (as well as Tybalt's) could have been avoided, {if Tybalt were not so hot-tempered!. }

* The fight DID start out playful though!. As Benvolio explains, it started out "nice" such a foolish quarrell!.!.!. and then the fight quickly turned sour!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tybalt went looking to fight with Romeo!. Mercutio challenges Tybalt, and Romeo trys to stop the fight!. When Romeo goes between the two, Tybalt stabs Mercutio, who later dies!. For some reason (no one quite knows why) Tybalt came back, and challenged Romeo, who was angry because Mercutio was one of his best friends!. The duel, and Romeo kills Tybalt!. This leads to Romeo being exhiled from Verona, and thus seperated from Juliet!.
This is the BEST scene to act out!. Trust me, I got to play Tybalt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com