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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> ~William Shakespeare~?

Question: ~William Shakespeare~!?
How does Shakespeare still "live" today!?
Why do Shakespeare's plays still speak to people!?
What does this quote by Ben Johnson mean!?
"He was not of an age, but of all time!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!.Shakespeare lives till today because the drama he wrote is considered universal!.this was realized in The late 17th century!.however hes been a massive influence on many playwrights & writers of today!.
2!.Like i mentioned before shakespeares works are universal!.his characters are human!.they speak from human experinces!.they arent fanastic greek tragic hero type!.yes shakespeare characters are (sometimes) noble & high achievers!.but they retain their human flaws & weaknesses!.Thats 1 of the main reasons we can comprehend them!.
3!.Shakespeare is timeless!.johnson was once quoted saying that shakespeare knew little greek & less latin!.some say its his insult about shakespeares lack of formal education!.& some think its johnson way of saying that shakespeare has done grave injustice to the greek & roman playwrights!.Rather than being fundamental on the classical format!.shakespeare wrote humanly(alot in comparison to his contemporaries),this wasnt very good for him though,because during his time it was marlowe who was considered the gifted writer!.
hope this helps!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, his themes and stories are timeless!. He took his stories from the bible, folk tales, and history and made them more interesting!. It was also his poetic writing!. I swear if you read one of those "shakespeare for the modern reader" it sounds terrible!. You have to read the real thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People can still relate to what he wrote!.
His stories are timeless!.
His words are magic!.
If there was one person I could ever meet, Will would be the one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com