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Question: What should I make my video about!?
anything, everything!. let the ideas flow, people!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Go to any public place!.!.!.!.grocery store, mall, park, etc!. Approach strangers that you see and offer to do something "kind" to or for them, but make sure they know you don't want anything in return (money, etc)!.

For example!.!.!.!.offer to clean their car windshield, let someone ahead of you while standing in line to check out, ask a person if they need help finding an item or carrying their things!.

Your objective is to document how people respond to acts of kindness!. Are they shocked, appreciative, angered, etc!? If you do this enough times in different circumstances you could really have some interesting info to share publicly!
If you decide to do this let me know how it goes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here are two possible ways to go:

1!. Create a video based on the funniest thing that ever happened to you and/or your brother!.

2!. Consider what videos/films have resonated most strongly for you!. Analyze what in the videos/films made it/them work!. Then implement these techniques/plot points into your video!. This does not make your video derivative, i!.e!., unoriginal!. It's just an intelligent approach to take!.

Watch the chosen video(s)/film(s) over and over again, until you aren't involved in it/them anymore!. Then you will be able to watch objectively and see what elements made the video(s)/film(s) "work" for you!. Another idea is to watch it/them with the sound off!. This gives you distance you need to see more visually!.

Recommended: the American Film Institute (AFI) DVD series, "The Directors!." In these documentaries, the directors talk about what influences shaped their work!. I have one on Martin Scorsese that was very eye-opening to me!. You can pick your favorite directors!. Analyze what the major influences on you and your brother have been!. Then translate the most significant of those into a video!.

DVDs of TV series and films often have interviews with the directors, under the heading of special features!.

Learning to think like a director is the key!.

Now all of this advice assumes that you are serious about creating art!. If that's not your goal, you might want to follow someone else's advice!. I'm a professional director/scriptwriter, so my outlook derives from that!.

Anyway, good luck to you! When your video is available, please let me know, so that I can watch it!. I think you can do so through Yahoo!, since you have my Yahoo! name!.


Well if you want to make it like get a lot of hits then i think u should make it funny!. Like if you have a cat or a dog you could video them doing something stupid like running into a wall!. thats what i did!. it is so funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com