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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I Need An Idea For A Talent Show!! HELP!!!?

Question: I Need An Idea For A Talent Show!! HELP!!!!?
My school is having a talent show, and they strongly suggest I'm in it! I'm a little stage fright, and I don't know what to do! I can draw, sing (but not in public!!!), dance, act, and do math (BOR-ing!)!. I really need something easy that me and a couple of my friends can do! I really need some answers, so will you please post an answer!? I am really needing some ideas to do!. Some of the things the other kids are doing (that I WILL NOT do) are cheerleading, doing flips, and I think one of the groups are doing something that has to do with wearing bathing suits (VERY WEIRD!!!) So, please give me some easy ideas, because I really need some! Thanks,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
maybe you could do a mini american idol!. i don't watch that show, but you might, and you could do it!. do something funny, though!. you could have somebody sing, and then two judges of the judges rate the contestants by numbers (like they should), and the other judge judges with smiley faces! he could do a smiley face, frowny face, and then the last one, he could do something really funny like have a heart as one of his answers!.!.!. then he turns it upside down, and then finally takes a marker and writes a number, that's way up high, like 6372268 or something!. then, cue the curtain, and you're done! I hope this helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you could mix some of those talents!. like use common everyday stuff as instruments and come up with a simple and relevent song ( either about people or situations in your school or in the media) it can be sung or it can be rap!. make it a kind of cool comedy!. like something with an awesome beat but funny lyrics!.

or you can do a song from one genre and turn it around in another genre!. like that video game battle of the bands) like a rap song sung like a hippie song with a guitar!. or a ballad as a hardcore rap song!. :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you are good at drawing could you do a large drawing on a board in charcoal or magic markers - perhaps cartoon characters - and your friends could act out what you are drawing to make it entertaining (you will have to be able to sketch quickly and do several characters in several minutes)!.
Alternatively you could work out a little comedy routine to act out - like a scene from a show!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you could make up a dance with your friends (use some songs the crowd can get into like Do you want a revolution!?) or you could do a show with glowsticks where it's all dark and you do awesome things!.!.!.(you really need to practice for that!.) Make up a funny skit or something like that as another idea!.!.!.!.have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should get a group of people and do a funny skit!. that always keeps the crowds' attention on you guys! Make sure it's orginal! or

Stand Up
A Monolouge
A dance rotine
The possibilities are endlessWww@QuestionHome@Com

do a comedy act!. like do a fake lonely hearts add for each other and make it funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com