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Question: I need help with a video audition!?
Alright, so I've been talking to a director thats done a few movies!. He found me on a talent website and wants me to send in an audition for his upcoming movie!. He sent me the screenplay and I found the role I want to audition for!.
Now I just need tips!. I went to acting school in 2000, but don't remember too much! [I was on the website for modeling] So what should I do!? How long should the video audition be!? Should I give an intro and closing!? My assumption is I should do a part from the screenplay!. Which is no problem!. Should I have somebody else do the conversational parts, or how should i work that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You'd audition just like you would for any other part!.

Ask the director which part of the script he wants you to read for him!.!.!. get someone else to read along with you, off camera!. Don't deliver the lines to the camera!.!.!. deliver them to your reader!.

Slate for the camera (Look into the lens, and talk to the camera as if it were the director!.!.!. State your name, and your contact information)

Turn to your reader, and begin the scene you've been asked to perform!. Connect with the reader!.!.!. ignore the camera!.

At the end of the scene, give it a couple beats!.!.!. then turn to the camera!.!.!.!. say Thank You!.!.!. and stop the recordingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Read a part of the script that you think you are really good at and that really show's the characters personality!. Or ask the directer what he wants you to read!. The video audition should be about 10 minutes maybe!. Yes give an intro and a closing!. In the intro say everything about your experience and tell about your contacts!. In the closing basically just say thank you!. Yes get someone to do the conversations!. Make sure he/she is offscreen!. Make sure they can act and go good with you!. Act like your in the scene!. Make sure you don't just stare blankly at the camera!. Good luck and hope you make the cut!.Www@QuestionHome@Com