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Question: Help! I have a bad sore throat!?
I have a horrible sore throat!. Tonight I'm in a show where I have some heavy duty singing and a lot of lines!. Is there anything I can do to even just lessen the pain!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, do all of the above and to add: get some Throat Coat tea at the store!.

I've also been in shows where singers who've come down with laryngytis have gone to the doc to get steriod shots to help make it trhough a show and also where the singing has been covered (someone else sings while the person onstage basically lip synchs!. The person doing the singin is usually near the orchestra, is sight of the audience and the actor)!.
So, I don't know what kind of productin this is (school, community theatre, professional), but there are some options!. Do the best you can, but if you are truly, truly sick, don't hurt yourself more, you could end up doing serious damage!. If it hurts to sing, don't sing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no cure for a hoarse voice except rest!. Your vocal folds need time to heal!. Plain water is best because you don't want to irritate them any more!.

However, you can ease the pain, as others have suggested, by warm tea or even cough drops such as Ludens that have a mild anesthetic in them!. This may affect your ability to sing, however!.

Do NOT gargle with warm salt water!. This will only irritate your throat more!. The warmth will make you feel better for a little bit, but will make your throat hurt longer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

drink warm tea with honey and talk as little as possible!. also stay away from air conditioning as breathing in cold air can hurt it more!Www@QuestionHome@Com

take a tablespoon of honey with some pepper power!.!.!.!.mix it will and directly drop it in to your throat!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take some sliced lemons with you to the show tonight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good cough drops or that nsty throught spray!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

gargle salt water and spit then gargle mouth wash trust me it will healWww@QuestionHome@Com