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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I have a performance tomorrow. Any tips?

Question: I have a performance tomorrow!. Any tips!?
I have a performance tomorrow for acting class, and I'm doing a 2-3 minute monologue for it!. Are there any tips, beside the obvious of not clogging my throat and taking deep breaths!? Thanks!.? Ten points for an original and concise answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with the advice of Molly ^!. Another thing I know I have trouble with when I'm doing monologues is just the fact that I'm dreading being called--try to avoid this!. Stage presence is a huge factor in the outcome of the performance, and actually wanting to be there also helps to be able to slip into a character!. The only other thing that hasn't been said that I can think of is to pick a spot on the wall to focus on the entire time, or most of it (whatever is natural for the performance) to help with the nervousness and its side effects!.

P!.S!. It's a good idea to go to the bathroom beforehand!. Sometimes anxiousness causes that, then it's all you can focus on!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!. well first thing's first practice in front of a mirror!. It helps to see what kind of facial expressions you can do to make your monologue believable!. Do you have your monologue memorized!? If not then I would suggest writing your monologue down on lined index cards ( colored are my favorite) and do it over and over again, piece by piece, while pacing ( don't ask why but it helps) put as much enthusiasm and emotion into it as possible!. For your actual audition talk LOUDLY and ENUNCIATE your words clearly DON'T MUMBLE EVER! Smile when it's appropriate, laugh, and wear the appropriate mood on your sleeve!. Be sure to thank the directors!. Forget that everyone is watching and pretend it's just you on that stage, all alone, perfecting your monologue!. The audience is invisible THEY ARE NOT THERE! Take BIG breaths, and move around or do something interesting because just standing there in the center of the stage still as a statue might make the audience fall asleep! :)

If you do everything I have said above I'm sure you'll do great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well as a aspiring actress for me all i do is focus on what I'm doing !.Block out every thought !.Think about what your reading!. Go up there as if your life depended on it!Everywhere is your stage ! Be big loud and Nail that monologue! And After give the biggest smile that says Yeah I'm the big cheese! I can act better you!Don't focus on one person because it will look like your saying it to them!.
Well that's what goes through my mind when im on stage
well like i said
NAIL THAT MONOLOGUE!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best thing you can do for yourself is to really get into character!. Know it inside out!. Become and truly feel what you're saying!. Try taking each line, one by one, and thinking about what it truly means to the character!. It'll seem more realistic!. After all, it's what acting's all about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um just pretend everyone in the audience is in their undies!!no, don't do tht it'll make u laff 2 much and then u wont b abl 2 concintrate!. just pretend its like a rehersal, just that ur in ur outfit-thingy and there's people are there!. i usually dont get nervous cuz its not like me 2 get nervous about stufff like that!. also, if they have the stage lites on u probley wont b able 2 c past the 3rd row!. have fun!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

commit to the piece and forget anyone is watching!. if you have to think about yourbreathing or not clogging your throat you are already in trouble!. dont worry about anything but those 2-3 minutes and leave it all on the stage and you will rockWww@QuestionHome@Com