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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Help are any of these good agencies for a teen gorl intrested in acting for film

Question: Help are any of these good agencies for a teen gorl intrested in acting for film!?
here is a list of agencies please tell me if you know if any are good agencies please!

-The Peak Agency
-Ambassador Talent Agents
-Aria Model and Talent Managment
-BMG Talent Group
-Baker and Rowley Talent Agency Inc!.
-Encore Talent Agency Inc!.
-Grossman and Jack Talent Inc!.
-Ford Talent Group Inc!.
-Iris Talent Agency
-Shirley Hamilton
-Geddes Agency
-Lily's Talent Agency

please help me!!! and if you know about multiple ones can you tell me which is the best out of the ones you know thanks so much!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ford is modeling!. Find out which are SAG franchised, those are the good ones!. A teen needs her parents to sign for her agent and so they should be actively involoved in trying to get one!. I assume you have a resume full of experience and training, a good head shot and cover letter!?Www@QuestionHome@Com
