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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Help need an agent!!?

Question: Help need an agent!!!?
what are some good agencies either nation wide or around Iowa or Minnisota or even illinois that are not a scam and will get my talent somewhere!?!!?!
please and thank you!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You can't get a nation wide agent until you are an estabished actor!. You have to get an agent within a couple hours driving time so you can get to auditions they get you!. You need to get your talent somewhere before you get an agent!. Experience acting is the key!. Be in all the plays you can!. You cannot get an agent or act without your parents' signature until you are 18Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good to see another buffoon making demands!. If you've done so much acting work, you should have no problem finding an agent on your own, I mean, "OMG," you're apparentlyh a big time actress, why in the world would you need us lowly peons to tell you how to get an agent!. If you've done THREE NATIONAL COMMERCIALS and you don't know how to get an agent, maybe you're not that good!. And at no point in your original question do you tell anyhone you've done anything, then you blow up when you don't get the answer you want!. No one here is a mindreader!. I sincerely hope no one gives you the answer you want, you sound like a jerk!.

Why does it seem the most of the "actors" in here are rude, clueless morons!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

SAG is a union and not an agency!. Think about getting some training if you haven't already!. Get into a good class and stay there and train, train, train!.
Remember that if you are not a well-trained actor you could very well have trouble getting an agent!.
At any rate, have a look at this page with different links including how to get an agent as well as other things you can do besides getting an agent to get acting work: http://www!.actingcareerstartup!.com/teen_!.!.!.

Good luck!
