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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are the most important roles in theater?

Question: What are the most important roles in theater!?
there are names, such as cameo, supporting, and lead, and principal, and i'm never quite sure which is which!. can someone list them for me in order of biggest to smallest parts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Lead- this means that you are the main part
2!. Principal- this means that you are another lead, but usually, you share it
3!. Supporting- this means that you have a good part, but you aren't always in the center of the action or plot
4!. Minor- this means that you don't really have a big part, and you will just be on for a short time
5!. Cameo- this means that you are featured in a very small partWww@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone listed before the title would be the biggest in movies!. This might be true in some stage productions as well!. Big names mean big draws!.

In the theatre, I'd say the lead would come first, then principal, supporting and cameo which would be a famous person in a small part!. However, I'd say that it would be a debatable question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the most important roles are all of them!!! In theater there is a saying: "There are no little parts, just little actors!."

That means no role is more important than the other!Www@QuestionHome@Com