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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Acting Agent ... HELP ... / 5 POiNT 4 the best answer?

Question: Acting Agent !.!.!. HELP !.!.!. / 5 POiNT 4 the best answer!?

can anyone please give me any email or number for any acting agent
i want it for disney channel auditionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
With all due respect, BEST is awarded 10 points, while all others who answer are awarded 2!.

An "AGENT" is best found and used AFTER one is actually needed!.

In your case you need to know when Casting Calls happen, and where; as well as Auditions, which in the case of Disney are OPEN, much like IDOL!.

Certainly you'll get links here, and I mean no offense to anyone, especially agents, who are in it for the $$$, but an agent is pretty much, NOT in it for you personally!.

Steven Wolf
Just my two "sense"
I wish you successWww@QuestionHome@Com

You will need to get a Ross Report to find agents!. I live in New York and they are at newsstands, however you may find them at a bookstore near you or go to rossreports!.com!.

I suggest you really look into it before making a decision because there is always a downside to everything!.!.!.even Hollywood!.!.!.good luck!.!.!.I mean break a leg!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all if you are not In LA, forget it!. Second, you qualify for an agent by haveing lots of acting experience and professional training!. Third, you don't audition for the channel, but for separate shows!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I live in Florida and there are a lot of agents in this area!.!.!.Try the site below, maybe it will give you more clear ideas!? Just watch out for slime balls of the world!Www@QuestionHome@Com