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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Has anyone seen cirque du soleil? Did you enjoy it?

Question: Has anyone seen cirque du soleil!? Did you enjoy it!?
I bought 2 tickets, 2nd row!. I'm debating on who would enjoy it the most!. My boyfriend (a little bit of a red neck), my mom (real estate exec), or my aunt (a little psychic and a little psycho)!.
My b/f really enjoyed STOMP so I thought he would enjoy this too!. He'll go if I REALLY want him to!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I saw Cirque du Soleil Santimbanco and I loved it!. I went with my Mom!. I took her for her birthday!. She really enjoyed it!. Your mom or aunt would probably enjoy it more than your bf!. You would probably have the most fun going with your sort of psycho aunt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Which Cirque show are you going to see!?

I've seen Ka and Mystere, as well as Le Reve (not CdS, but by Dragone and very Cirque like), and though they all have some common elements, there are some very important style distinctions between them all!.

All in all, my own experience says that anyone who is able to approach the show with an open mind can enjoy a Cirque show!. If your bf enjoyed Stomp, he'd probably enjoy this one well enough!. As for your Mom!.!.!. well, her profession really doesn't tell us enough (I've known a few in real estate, there isn't enough common traits to group them)!. And though perhaps a cliched stereotype, I'm thinking your aunt would enjoy it as well!.

So, that brings us to the most important question - who would you most enjoy seeing this show with!? Who would you rather create the common shared memory with, to be brought up and referenced months and years later!? Who would you rather share that experience with!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah it was awesome, and great for anyone you're bringing!. Trust me, it's an amazing show you'll want to see a lot!. Have fun!

Hope I helped and have fun!.? =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i LOVE cirque! I'd say if your bf is a little red-necky he's prolly not going to appreciate it as much as your new-agey aunt might, but i think it's something anyone can enjoy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its good for everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love cirque so much!!
but i agree its fun for everyone!

take ur momWww@QuestionHome@Com