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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Avenue Q puppet making?

Question: Avenue Q puppet making!?
making the puppets from Avenue Q for my church group this summer (don't ask) and I wanna see if these two patterns from
1!.The "Roly" Puppet Pattern
2!.The "Pinhead Puppet Pattern
The ones I'm makeing are:
Kate Monster
I need to know if these two patterns would work and where I can get Antron Fleece and everything else(eyes, hair, etc!.)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, those patterns should work fine!. If you need any help, http://puppetsandstuff!.com is an excellent resource, and there's plenty of puppet makers there to give you advice if you get stuck!.

There's also a number of threads on where to find materials in your area, but you can also order antron fleece directly through Project Puppet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com