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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How are girls treated in shakespeare play?

Question: How are girls treated in shakespeare play!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
WHICH Shakespeare play!?!?!?

In Romeo and Juliette!.!.!.!.she dies!

In Anthony and Cleopatra!.!.!.she uses cunning and beguiling charms to get what she wants!.!.!.!.then gets bitten by an Asp and dies!

In Hamlet!.!.!.!.Hamlet's mother is accidentally poisoned!.!.!.!.and dies!

In The Merry Wives of Windsor!.!.!.the ladies pull a prank on Falstaff to teach him a lesson!.!.!.!.but they DON'T die!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although many are very independent, intelligent, and capable, they are nonetheless models of the Elizabethan woman, subserviant to men and obedient!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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