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Question: Ending Broadway Run!?
what shows are nearing their Broadway Run!.

not what you think is slowing down but what you know is coming to an endWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Rent" is closing Sept!. 7th, I believe!. Eden Espinosa and Will Chase will be in the final cast as Maureen and Roger, respectively!.

"Sunday in the Park with George" is a limited run!. It keeps extending, though!. It is currently scheduled to close June 27th!. The longest it can extend is August, I believe, since Roundabout is likely to open its revival of "Pal Joey" in Studio 54 next season!.

"Thurgood", a one man show, is a limited run of about sixteen weeks, I think!. It opened April 30!.

"Les Liaisons dangereuses" is a limited run, as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i think rent is gonna close on b-way september 7th!. eden espinosa will be taking over the role as mareen (sp!?) starting in may i think and will until it closes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Rent" was going to close but I think they have extended it because of ticket sales!.Www@QuestionHome@Com