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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> From what I tell you do you think I would make an okay Annie.?

Question: From what I tell you do you think I would make an okay Annie!.!?
Sorry I'm obsessed with Annie and would love to play her!. From what I say could someone tell me if I'd suit the role!.

I can project really well
I am a really good singer [so everyone says]
I am addicted
I know all the words to all the songs by heart
I am a good actress
I am really quick at learning lines and dances
I have brown going red hair
I am 12 just
my hair wavy, straight
I can cry easy
and I don't mind being lifted up

PLEASE TELL ME if you are an expertWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's impossible to tell without seeing you act and sing!. First of all, there's probably a height requirement!. Isn't Annie suppossed to be 8!? So, they'll want someone who isn't too tall!. Hair doesn't matter, they can wig you!. Being a good singer is definitely important, but personally, I think the most important thing with Annie is personality and charisma!.

She's one of those people who is so optimistic about everything, really to the point of almost being annoying, but she affects everyone around her!. You've really got to be able to show that quality above all - be peppy, happy, energetic, smiley, all those things!.

Best of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, you could play her!.!.!. you just have to be likable!.!.
and sincere, and happy!.!.!. if you have the talent you say you do, you'll be alright!.