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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is the song " Dancing through life" in wicked a hint that fiyero will

Question: Is the song " Dancing through life" in wicked a hint that fiyero will turn into the scarecrow in the end!?
I've always loved the musical but i was just recently listening to it on my ipod and for the first time i really really listend to the words of that song!. It talks about lifes more painless for the brainless, and talking about being mindless and careless!.!. and it made me thinkg, well he does turn into the scarecrow in the end (which i remind you has no brain)!.!.!. but was that purposely supposed to be a hint to us that it was going to happen that way!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yep, and there are a lot of other references to Fiyero lacking a brain, and that he becomes the scarecrow!.

The Wizard's Guards take Fiyero away to a cornfield, where they put him on poles, so a scarecrow was a fitting haven for one so brainless!.

My favorite mentions of brainlessness:
Fiyero: You think I'm really stupid don't you!.
Elphaba: No, not really stupid!.

(As long as your mine) Fiyero: Maybe I'm brainless, maybe I'm wise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im pretty sure they purposely did that well at least thats what i've thought this whole time but btw you shouldn't have put that as the title, cuz somepeople havn't seen wickedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't doubt it!.!.!.but it may have been an accident!.!.!.!.!?!?!? ask shwarts!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com