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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Performing a sex scene in a movie is also a dimension of acting ?

Question: Performing a sex scene in a movie is also a dimension of acting !?
do the directors put sex scenes in movies to show their creativity to general masses!. what could be the real intention leading them to make actor and actress having sex (as it seems on screen) is it for betterment of cinema!. think individually if you were asked to perform such scenes specially when you are a girl!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not even close to creativity! It's all to expose women!

I think directors put sex scenes in movies because they can't think of anything else to put in!. AND because their perverts!

Nobody should want to watch people having sex!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can be both, to both extremes!.
Sometimes it is integral to the story, or to define the character!.
Other times, it's just thrown in for $$$ reasons, which are not trivial, by the way!.

I'm an independent director, and when I was trying to get distribution for my film, I was asked two things:

1!. Who is in it!? (meaning, any stars or recognizable people!?)

If not (and in my case, I had no stars):

2!. Is there a lot of sex, nudity, or action/violence!?

The reason is, with VERY FEW exceptions, it's almost impossible to get a film shown or distributed, unless you have stars in it!. Yes, some films break through this barrier, but almost NONE do, unless - they have sex/nudity/action or violence!.
The reason is, because distributors can sell films (usually overseas) if there's a star in it, but if not, they are absolutely 100% not interested, unless it has those other elements in them!.
So you can't really blame the directors who throw in nudity and sex scenes!. They're just trying to get their films seen or sold!.
You can blame the distributors, but ultimately, you can blame the people; the audience!.
Because almost NOBODY will see a film without a star, OR nudity/sex!.

If you doubt me, just think about this: when you bring up a movie to someone, the first question is always "Who's in it!?"
See what I mean!?
95% of the audience is not interested in seeing movies unless they know the actors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe sex scenes are just the same as anything else in a movie!. Sexuality is a core part of being human, I see no reason why it should be taboo!. Of course actors/actresses should not be forced into this is they do not want to!. But this in cinema can help more people understand why it is wonderful and not a "sin"!. All in all, i think people really make such a big issue out of this for no reason!. It is stupid to make sexuality such a disgusting and horrible part of being human!. It's part of us and we should embrace it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com