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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Wanting fame is...?

Question: Wanting fame is!.!.!.!?
Is wanting fame dangerous!? Like I'm afriad of going sycho if I become an actress!. Like Britney Spears for an example!. I don't wanna be tempted by drugs and alcohal if I get depressed or pressured from all the movie buisness and stuff!. I've thought about it alot but never once did money cross my mind untill now!. Is money so important in life!? Like I know it keeps the economy going and stuff but it kind of scares me!. If all I'm saying now is crap please tell me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, acting is not necessarily dangerous!. Yes, if you're doing it solely for the money then you are going to encounter some major troubles and really tire of your career!. But if you've got a passion for actinng, itself, rather then the fame then you're good to go!. You've got to have a good head on your shoulders to guide you through life and make the right decisions when there's pressure to do the "cool thing"!. Stay modest, love what you do, and use your head and you'll be a large and great componet of the acting business that everyone can look up to and admire! And dream big! I'm sure that you ARE capable of being a fabulous actress!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Great question!.!.!.and funny too! :)

Don't worry about Britney Spears, she was born that way and had no idea of what she was doing! also, YOU are the one in control of your life so if YOU don't want to become a druggie, alcoholic, Physco or weirdyy then keep your true friends, your true heart and always, always!.!.!.your family!

And if you looove acting soo much,then nothing else matter! (Try listening to Metallica- Nothing Else Matters!.!.!.maybe you'll get some inspiration)

GOOD LUCKK!<3 and I hopee I helped!!:):)


No, money isn't the most important thing!.
Do you love acting!? Then go for it!. For every crazy celebrity, there is at least one perfectly sane one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com