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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm an Actor and I've done a few films, lots of stage work. I cant desid

Question: I'm an Actor and I've done a few films, lots of stage work!. I cant deside between Los Angeles or Vancouver!?
I'm looking at auditioning for schools for MFA training, but I can't deside where to go!. I like the idea of vancouver cause there's an international appeal, and its not a saturated community like I hear LA is!. BUT LA is LA and all things seem to go through that town in one way or another!. I'm really impressed with Vancouver and the opportunity it holds!.!.!.but, LA seems to have the better programs, better agents and connections!.!.!. I jus don't have enough info to make an educated answer about it!. I'm interested in doing everything, film, combat, theatre, improv!.!.!.ugh!. any thoughts!? Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Vancouver seems to be standing in for "any" US city just lately in both big screen and TV movies, being there might give you a chance to attend casting calls locally!.
Maybe check listings for Vancouver to see if talent agencies have offices there!?
LA is the honeypot that too many untalented pretty people gravitate towards, why get buried in that crowd!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cali is awsome!!!!
I live here!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com