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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm a fairygodmother for a modernised Cinderella Play. What should I wear?

Question: I'm a fairygodmother for a modernised Cinderella Play!. What should I wear!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i have an idea, get a t-shirt either baby blue or pink then in silver glitter have the words" be careful what you wish for!!"on it ,jeans,any footwear eg either white or sliver heels,a pair of boots or if you want white sports trainers ,wear your hair half up half down if its long if your wearing boots or heels, wear you hair in a ponytail if wearing trainers ,a tiara and a small silver wandWww@QuestionHome@Com

Great question, here is my advice!.!.!.

Well, usually you should have a costume maker that will make the costume for you and most plays provide costumes, but since YOU have to deal with it I suggest that you look for a local party/costume store and ask for a Fairy Godmother costume!. If they have nothing then your on your own!.

If you are on your own for the costume then maybe you should wear(if you have any of these):

-Big,puffy Dress
-a sparkly shirt with a long same color skirt
-A princess cone crown
-A sparkly wand
-Something cute:)

Hope I helped & GOOD LUCKK!<3
Thanks!.!.!.xoxo---Lauren :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

something big and sparkly but it cant take away from cinderalls costume so dont get like a prom dress ask your director

answer mine!

Wear a crown and a sparkly shirt w/ jeans and boots!. You'll look cute and kinda fairygodmother-like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask the actual costumer!?

In the sad event that you don't have one!.!.!.just wear something cute!.Www@QuestionHome@Com