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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Does anyone know what the script is before and after "Some things are meant

Question: Does anyone know what the script is before and after "Some things are meant to be" in Little Women!?
I need it because a friend and i are singing it for a showcase, and would like more acting in it!. any advice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Though I don't have a copy of the script, I've seen the show and know the the song ends the scene and therefor nothing is spoken after the song!.

The scene takes place at the beach on Cape Cod, Massachusetts!. Jo brings Beth to the beach in her wheelchair, and they talk about how the other 2 sisters are married off and they are the only two who've kept the pact to stay together (alone) as sisters forever!. This song is Beth's "good bye" to Jo, as she dies either at the end of the song, or very soon after (we never see her again)!.

At the start of the scene, Jo has bought Beth a kite, and tells her that she had the man make it with every color he had!.!.!.

Hope this helps :DWww@QuestionHome@Com