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Question: Entertainers secret throat relief!?
our high school is currently doing a musical titled Bye Bye Birdie and its coming up here in a week!. we have to sing a lot in this musical, and our voices get worn out!. mine especially yelling at all my track meets then going to rehearsal for 4 to 5 hours! so i heard this product called entertainers throat relief works well!. so if any of you guys know where to get it, please let me know!. and i could try to order it off the internet, but i dont know if it will come in time!. thanks so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Entertainer's Throat Relief, or whatever it is called these days, has about the same efficacy as Airborn, i!.e!. very little!.

Stop yelling and then expecting to sing, hydrate hydrate hydrate, try a warm posset of honey and lemon, and stop yelling and then expecting to sing!.

I have found, in Emergency situations (i!.e!. cold and a gig, yelling and then expecting to sing, etc!.) that Traditional Medicinals' Throat Coat tea is effective!. I absolutely detest the taste of the stuff (I hate licorice), but I will attest that it works!.

One more thing: If you must sing with weary vocal cords, DO NOT "Ahem" to clear your throat!. Cough, hawk and spit!. Disgusting but effective!.

We must suffer for our Art!.

Lastly: support your voice from your diaphragm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've heard of this but I'm not sure if it works or not!. Lots of celebs use it apparently!? You could check a pharmacy but I doubt they'd have it!. If not there's alot of sites out there that offer express deliery; it might cost a bit more but it's worth being able to sing in your show!. Other then that just drink lots of water and avoid talking on the phone or to friends alot if possible; they'll understand if it'd for the good of the show!. Break a leg!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's basically aloe vera gel and glycerin in a stabilizing base!. I know of no actor who uses it!.

Stop yelling at track meets!. Drink lots of water!. I find herbal tea and honey really helps!.

If your voice is getting worn out, you're not supporting your voice correctly!. Speak to your director for advice; if s/he has no experience in this, talk to your musical director or choir director!.Www@QuestionHome@Com