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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Can you help me with my skit?

Question: Can you help me with my skit!?
hi for my theatere arts class we must do a script!. every week our group makes a skit spoofing willy wonka and the choclate factory this week i want to have a skit about the life of the characters before they went to the factory!. we already know what to say for our character but i dont know how it would work the thing is the characters will act as themselves but we will also need other people to do it!. for instence if we are talking about agustes we would need agustus and his parents how would that work!. how would we make a transition from one character to another so it works fluidley!. thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Perhaps, have all of the different characters connected!. Example; perhaps all of the characters are out for lunch and are talking about each other or there previous lives!. Perhaps they are all at the same restaurant!. Any public place would do!. Have fun acting and writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com