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Question: I want to become a actoress!?
I've asked this question a zillion times! How can i start being an actoress!.!.!.and yes i really want it!. Please its like my dream! please!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are serious about acting, then get involved with your local amateur theatre group - or school productions if you are still in school - to gain experience, and take classes!. When you think you're ready to go on auditions for real paying acting jobs, then it's the time get some headshot photos taken and to get an online talent portfolio where you put your photos, and list your training and experience, etc!.

Be careful about where you have your online portfolio, as some portfolio sites also include nudity and are mainly for gawkers browsing photos!. Look for a professional talent site, some established sites like http://www!.newfaces!.com reject nude photos in order to keep the site professional and that helps to attract genuine casting agents and agencies looking to cast actors - not gawk at photos!.

Good luck with your dream!Www@QuestionHome@Com

not to be mean but first you need to learn to spell the word actress!. Next you have to take acting lessons the more you take the better you become at it and the higher your chances of being choosen for serious roles or whatever!. Then while your taking acting lessons start small like do some stage performances first, this will help you get a feel for the world of acting and will help build up an acting background and experience!. Lastly get an agent and go on some auditions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off, being an extra does nothing!. It won't advance your career and it's not acting, you can't even use it on your resume, so forget that bad advice!.

Get into acting classes!. The is the first and foremost thing to do!. From there, you can get an agent, many major acting classes have "auditions" for agents and managers on the last day!. You can also meet other actors who can refer you to people!. And the more acting classes you have on your resume, the better!. After you've participated in a few acting classes, you'll know a lot more on breaking in because you'll be around others in the same position (or further) than you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First thing's first
* go to your local theatre and see if they have any audition opprotunities for kids your age, I'm guessing your a tween or somewhere around there!.
* start taking a dance class like tap, ballet, jazz, hip hop, or a combination of the four!. Dance is very important in musical theatre and will be vital to your well being as both an actress and a performer!.
* get a voice coach and join a choir since you can't be in musicals if you have difficulty singing!.
* take an acting class/ workshop that focuses on improvisation!. It is important as an actress to be able to properly express your feelings and emotions onstage!.
* get an agent!. They will help to find you acting jobs!.
Good Luck
- MollyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Take an acting workshop, usually takes just a little time and then you can start going to castings, you just need that little something to teach you how and what to do!. You can also start doing some extra work to learn too!. You dont get paid as much but then at least people will start getting to know you!. Just look up talent agencies that are looking for extras!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Join a youth theater, take acting classes, join your school chorus!. get a private vocal coach
2!. GO to open calls for shows (playbill!.com) has lists of auditions
3!.GET AN AGENT or don't even try!!!!!

P!.S if you mix up spellings, it will make you seem very unproffesionalWww@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know how you can become an actoress!.
but to be an actress you should listed to the radio or search the internet for local open call castings!. take your parents with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing like overwhelming you with useless junk!. The way to start is in your school's plays!. If you can get leads in them, you may have some ability!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Join a drama group and include yourself in all the outings and get yourself talking and make contacts!.!. alot of the industry is having the right contacts!.!. and talent of course that counts too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Join the drama department at school, Join the Community Theater, I think you want to be an actress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take lessons or you'll be not even in drama club hun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may want to learn how to spell it first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first learn how to spell!. ActressWww@QuestionHome@Com

well, first, learn to SPELL your dream, I'd say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com