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Question: Examples of discrimination during the shakespearean time!?
it's a homework assignment, the assignment was extremely vague, just need some one to give me and idea or link cause i've been researching for hoursWww@QuestionHome@Com

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the other person's answer was really good, so i am just going to add to that list that you could look at religious discrimination in The Merchant of Venice!.
Shylock was Jewish, and at that time, Jews were strongly discriminated against!. At the end of the Merchant of Venice, all of the Christian characters end up happy, and Shylock is the only character whose story turns out badly!.
There are debates surrounding the Merchant of Venice about whether Shakespeare was promoting or discouraging prejudice in this play!. Those who think he was promoting use Shylock's unhappy ending as their reason, while those who think Shakespeare was discouraging discrimination argue that the reader ends up sympathizing with Shylock for a large portion of the book, including in his well known "I am a Jew" speech!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

at the time of shakespeare, british pride was at its height!. there was a new striving to show the beauty of the english language and all that- those who could not speak it were considered barbarians!. also, remember that the New World was being conquered and its spoils and ppl were being brought back to the metropole for 'amusement' and forced labour- those ppl were considered inferior to Englishmen!.

you can look within shakespeare's own work for examples of discrimination!. the tempest, look at the character caliban!. he is a metaphor for the untamed savage that is unlearned- that is what the british thought ppl of the new world were like!. also, in that same play, a someone talks about persons paying to see the body of a dead Indian!. look for it!.

orthello was a black man!. there were issues in that play about inter-racial relationships and about blacks being inferior!.

hope that gives you a starting point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is very little real info, just a lot of speculation!. Othello was a Moor, a man from Morocco, probably more of an Arab than a Black, but dark enough for there to be prejudice!. Those really discriminated against were the French and the Spanish whom the English despised!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

women were not allowed to even set foot on the stage, let alone act!. they were considered to not be smart enough to read lines correctly, and could not do anything in the arts as well as a man could!. so the men had to play women!.!. wierd!.Www@QuestionHome@Com