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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I am eugene/teen angel in the Musical Theatre production of Grease....and I am h

Question: I am eugene/teen angel in the Musical Theatre production of Grease!.!.!.!.and I am having a HArd TIME!?
Getting Eugenes Voice down pat!.!.!.!.for those who don't know he's very nerdy and nasally !.!.HELP!!!?!!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What a great show! Eugene is a nerd yes but I think there's other ways you could play up his nerdyness!. Try maybe a foregin accent or just throwing in some Urkel laughs!. You may not even need to alter your voice that much as long as you carry the character as a nerd in posture and attitude!. But if you do decide to do the nasally thing make sure your voice is still audible and clear to the audience, because your speech at the reunion starts off the show plus Eugene is an audience favourite as well as Teen Angel for that matter!. So have fun with it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

talk through your nose!. Find his voice how You see it, don't try to imitate what you've heard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try to get a cold! =) j/k!.!.!.

but tlk thru your nose and don't breath thru ur mouth!Www@QuestionHome@Com