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Question: Casting agency!?
hi I am 14 and am looking for a casting agent for children and if anyone can tell me a legit one that would really help thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with theatre_gurl but before you go looking for an agent, you should know that you need to be ready or your search will be a complete waste of time!. If you live in LA and you didn't even know where to look for an agent, you are definitely not anywhere near ready!.

You need to go to classes and do theatre and student & indie films to build a resume or no agent in their right mind will give you the time of day!. If you do a round of submission now anyway, I can pretty much guarantee you that everything you spend on pics, reproductions, copies and postage, etc!. will be a total waste!. You really have some work to do before you go looking for an agent!.

First you need classes!. Go here to start:

On backstage you can also search for auditions!. Go here for that as well: http://actorsaccess!.com/

Being that you're 14, Please get your parents to do all of this with you!. You should not be putting any personal info on the web without their ok!. Any phone number should be your parent's cell phone!. No need to list a home address except for billing purposes!. Please let your parents be the judge!.

All acting teachers, photogs, etc!. can and should be checked out thoroughly before you use them!. There are message boards all over the place where you and your parents can ask!. Some classes also allow audits (a free trial class), By all means take advantage of that! You should see whenther or not you like the class before signing up for several weeks!

While in classes and working in theatre and on student and indie films you should be networking!. Ask people who they're signed with and see if they'll allow you to use them as a personal reference!. Then you can submit to that agent using a personal connection, see!? Then the agent may give you a few more seconds of his or time and go over your resume or take another look at your pic!.!.!.

good luck,

Go get a copy of the Ross Reports!. It has agency listings for every talent agent and manager in LA!. Look for the ones who represent children!.

By the way, you're looking for a talent agent, not a casting agent (there's no such thing)!. A casting director is the person who casts shows and films and will go through talent agents to find actors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pick up a Dramalogue at your local supermarket (7-11's have them usually)!.

Whatever you do, interview them before you sign up for anything, and take your parents with you!.
There are a lot of scam artists and freaks out there, so take your parents advice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

casting agents are not what you want!. they won't do you any good!. To be honest, no one much wants a 14 year old actor and if they did they would want one with tons of experience and training who could compete with the best in the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't just find a Casting Office!. You have to be submitted to a Casting Office, by your agent, only if you are right for a particular audition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

search the internet type in your local area!. if you find a casting you want to attend take your parents!. its very important that you take an adult with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it depends on where you live go KUDZU!.COM!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

My kid is signed in NY with abrams actors agency!. She is in a major Nick jr!. show!. She plays the lead!. They are in LA too!. Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

look in your local phonebook!. ask people you know that are intoacting!. or tell your location and someonewill help u!.Www@QuestionHome@Com