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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How to keep under control?

Question: How to keep under control!?
I do GCSE drama and we performed it to the yr 10s last night and all went well , except one bit where one of the members decided to say something that we had not gone through (made it comic when it’s a sad play ), he said something that just cracked us all up , I tried my best to remain focused but I did laugh a bit but bought myself under control!.
Today we are performing to parents and friends and tomorrow the examiner!.
He always adds something funny and it changes every time we run through so
TIPS on how to control my laughter!.
This is 40% of my final mark so I can’t laugh tonight or tomorrow!.
(He does it spare of the moment so asking him to not do it , he will still come out with something funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Just remember that it is 40% of your final grade!.!.!.!.that should keep you from laughing!. If you feel like you need to laugh just think of yourself failing that class and that should stop you from laughing!. Tell yourself he's not that funny, why am I laughing!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best thing you can do is to be focused on your job!. Youre not there to laugh!. Youre there to act!. See it as a test that you have to run through!. He is IOW thrying to make you failing and thus you must be better than so!. Another trick is to try to think at something boring whenever he is saying or doing something funny!. Its all in the mind!.!.!. Hope you did it well out there!.!.!. And remember: All actors do fail sometimes!. Take a look at the behind programes if you dont bealive me!.!.!. JohanWww@QuestionHome@Com

hey i know exactly how you feel that happen in my gcse year too but just try and relax it could have been a mistake but if it happens again think about what you character would do in the situation if its obvious your laughing improvise if the play isnt scripted ,relax and enjoy yourself that what acting's all about
break a leg you'll do fineWww@QuestionHome@Com