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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Spamalot? whats the basic Story line?

Question: Spamalot!? whats the basic Story line!?
i know its based on the movies, but what ACTUALLY happens!? i have to write about it for schooool :) ty, 10 points for proper explanationWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you have to write about it then this is homework!. Your teacher wants YOU to do some research, not come here and ask others to do YOUR work for you! Turn off Hannah Montana and get busy researching! Google is a good place to start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

fun assignment, writing about a musical!. If you're supposed to write about it, shouldn't you have seen it!?

search out their website or Eric Idle's website (I believe he has one)!. Or pick a newspaper & check their archives for the reviews!. Won't tell you everything, but give you an idea!. Just be careful with the Chicago papers; that's where they started the show & they made changes in the show after the reviews were printed!.

I enjoyed the show very much ("Find the Grail, Arthur--and when you do, I'll be waiting!.!.!.")!. It's not that close to the movie, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the play or the movie then i will edit my awnserWww@QuestionHome@Com