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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I live in pakistan and want to be hollywood actor tell me how to start. i am 14

Question: I live in pakistan and want to be hollywood actor tell me how to start!. i am 14 years!?
please i need quick replyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok, I'm going to give you good advice, but it's not a "quick fix", so pay attention:

Your problems are 2 things:
1!. Learning all the things to be employed as an actor!.
2!. Coming to America, and being able to stay!.

I will address #2 first:

* Learn an employable skill, so you will be desirable to businesses here who will want to hire you!.
That means, do well in school; get a good education!.
Get very good grades in school, go to college and get a degree!.

* Make friends in the U!.S!. You can start doing this now, by getting people to be pen pals!. Don't just look for pen pals your own age, to be friends with, be thinking ahead, keeping in mind, you want people who can help you!.
So look for people who have businesses, to give you a job!.
You will almost certainly NOT get acting jobs as soon as you get here!. There are hundreds of thousands of people who have moved to Hollywood trying to get acting jobs!.
It's very hard to get anyone to notice you!.
So you will have to get a regular job when you get here, to pay the bills!.
You can't just show up, you need someone to sponsor you, if you want to stay more than 6 months!.

* Learn English (read, write and speak) like an expert!. Try to get rid of your accent as much as possible!. Try to speak English JUST LIKE AN AMERICAN!. This is a big deal!. It will help a lot, and the opposite is true too; if you speak with a heavy accent, it will be hard to get a job, or an acting job!.

#1 - Learn your acting craft!. This is a difficult job! You should approach it just as serious as you would if you wanted to be an engineer, doctor, or dentist!. It takes serious study!
Get books, take classes, get involved in local theater, local independent films, etc!.
If you come here, you will want to have a DVD with examples of your acting!. They call this a "Demo Reel"!.
This can be SHORT clips of you acting in plays, classes, films, or even you and a couple actor friends videotaping you doing scenes!.
The more professional it looks, the better!.

Feel free to PM me if you want more advice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why!? Most things coming out of Hollywood are considered bad in the US!. You are better off where you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Move to hollywood and take acting classes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com