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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Does good english grades help you in acting and also does lieing help u aswel?

Question: Does good english grades help you in acting and also does lieing help u aswel!?
hey back agen but i sorter obsesed about acting so i was wondering does gd grades help u become an actor and being a good lier help aswelWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Having good grades doesn't really help you in acting directly but your personality of having good grades probably reflects on your acting abilities!. Did that make any sense to you!? I know it didn't to me!.What I was trying to say was if you have good grades your probably smart and if your smart you most likely have good critical thinking skills!. And with good critical thinks skills you can anaylis your character and when you act you have to understand your character!. So being smart will help you!.

LIEING IS ONE OF THE BEST ACTING TALENTS YOU CAN HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When your doing a play, you are lieing the whole time!. You are lieing about who you are!. You are lieing about what you do!. And you are lieing about anything you say!. So yes lieing is good!. Well, not GOOD but helpful!. also, if you are good at making some lie up really quick, that will help to because sometime you have to improv (make it up as you good)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having good grades in ALL of your classes will help you become successful in whatever you want to do in your future!.
Grammar can help too!.!.!.
Perhaps you should get a dictionary!.!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest you study English grammar and spelling!. You can't do either!Www@QuestionHome@Com