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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Commercial Scouts?

Question: Commercial Scouts!?
is this a scam a LONG time ago a lady stopped in front of me and told me im invited for a casting call and i said SWEET!!! but my mom had to be safe and checked them and they had an F on there grade or something i dunno that is just my mom i want to hear you guys too!.!.!.i believe my mom just i didnt want to miss that chance is it a scam!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? there website is commercialscouts!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It has to be a scam, or at the very least a waste of money!. Have you ANY idea how much competition there is for one second of exposure on a TV commercial!?

With so many professional actors ready to kill for a spot in a commercial, there's no need to "scout" for amateurs to swell the ranks even more!. People simply do not "hire" off the street or in the mall!. They do it to sell you something, no other reason!. Usually what they want to sell is acting lessons, but sometimes they're selling portfolios or website pages!. Or convincing you to spend thousands of dollars attending a modeling convention in another state!.

If your mom checked them out and doesn't think they're legit, listen to your mom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Legitimate organizations never stop anyone on the street and offer them a casting call!. Be careful, most of the time when you are stopped, assume, it is a scam and leave as fast as possible, before they can ask you for money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com