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Question: Commercial for drama class!?
Tomorrow in my drama class we have to write and cast a short commercial, 30 seconds to a minute!. The name has to be fictional but it can be for a real product!. My teacher didn't say anything about using props so I'm assuming we can use them if neccesary!. But, I would rather to just not have any if possible!. also, it's not like some big production that has to be super amazing or anything!.
Any ideas as to what I could possibly do and would be fairly simple and classroom acceptable[and that could get me a good grade]!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I had a similar project to yours last semester when I was in Drama 1, except we had to do a radio show with commercial breaks!. I did a Zoloft commercial!.!. I just went on and on in a depressing,monotone sort of voice about how it will make a sad heart cheery!. At the end, I did a deep sort of voice that listed the side effects: "side effects may include heartburn,stroke,heart attack, or even the possibility of death!." My partner did the next commercial, in which he sang the song for Pepto-Bismol ("nausia, heartburn, indegesion, upset stomach!.!.!.diarrhea!") It was really funny after we perfected it and the class enjoyed it!.!.!. or, you can do what one group did with the "Head on!.!.!.applied directly to your forehead! Head on!.!.!. applied directly to the forehead!" commercial while someone else shouted "SHUT UP" in the background!. You could go on for hours with that commercial, but I seriously doubt that your teacher would appreciate it!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write one for al-anon, no props required!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, first off, have an idea for what product/thing you'd like to have a commercial for!. Then, try making a jingle (using a popular tune!. For example, I had to do a commercial on how great Salt Lake City is and why Mormons should go live there for a history assignment!. My group did a song spoof on Weezer's Beverly Hills, which basically went Salt Lake Citaaay!! That's where we want to be! Mormons, Mormons, love living in Salt Lake Citaaay)!. So, try to make a song spoof of a memorable song for your product, with perhaps a few lines of dialogue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com