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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How many acts are there in a shakespearean play?

Question: How many acts are there in a shakespearean play!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Shakespeare actually didn't write his plays with a certain number of acts in them!. It was editors who later decided to make his plays fit into the 5 act structure*!.

*Five Act Structure:
Act 1 -- Exposition!. We meet the dramatis personae (cast), and time and place are established!. We learn about the antecedents (backstory/inital events) of the story!. Attention is directed toward the germ of conflict and dramatic tensions!.

Act 2 -- Complications!. The course of action becomes more complicated, the "tying of knots" takes place!. Interests clash, intrigues are spawned, events accelerate in a definite direction!. Tension mounts, and momentum builds up!.

Act 3 -- The Climax of Action!. The development of conflict reaches its high point, the Hero stands at the crossroads, leading to victory or defeat, crashing or soaring!.

Act 4 -- Falling Action!. Reversals!. The consequences of Act 3 play out, momentum slows, and tension is heightened by false hopes/fears!. If it's a tragedy, it looks like the Hero can be saved!. If not, then it looks like all may be lost!.

Act 5 -- Catastrophe!. The conflict is resolved, whether through a catastrophe, the downfall of the hero, or through his victory and transfiguration!.

(Visual representation of 5 act structure)

five but the scene's are very long I'm reading romeo and Juliet and I'm on scene twoWww@QuestionHome@Com

five acts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
