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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do I make myself an acting career????????

Question: How do I make myself an acting career!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I would love to act but I dont know what to do to get into theatre and/or television!.I'm in high school and i do drama at school but I want to know how to go further!.Should i join an acting school, should i do nothing WHAT DO I DO!
please help me to act as it is my passion!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Acting School, get an equity card to be in plays and start by getting extra work!. Get an reputable agent!. also take up singing and dancing lessons!. It helps to be a triple threat!.

If you haven't already, begin to read up on the principles of acting, Stanislavski Method and Brechtian acting!.

You have to understand the risk that you may never get noticed and also you will actually have to be able to act have an acting career, if you are some wooden actor or not that attractive (sorry to be blunt) I would leave it unless you are willing to sleep with the director!. also you will have to work incredibly hard as Acting Schools don't take so many girls as they oversubscribe, guys often have an easier run as they are seen as less common and more indivual!. You have to be something special!.

Sorry if that sounded cruel but some girls go into la-la land about Hollywood and fame when they want to act and have no clue about some of the hardships of it!. Keep working hard and become the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start doing some research first!.
Find out what it really means to become an actress!.
Do some reading up on some of the different acting methods like Meisner and Stanislavski and Adler and Hagen for example!.
Find out what agents do and how they can help you!. It's not just about getting an agent and then sitting back and waiting for something to happen!. There's much more to it than that!.
Have a look at this page on my website for new and aspiring actors!. It will certainly get you started: http://www!.actingcareerstartup!.com/teen_!.!.!.

Good luck!
