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Question: Mary Poppins stage reviews!?
I went to see Mary Poppins in London at Christmas and I thought it was fab!! I preffered this to the movie!

When I read the reviews about it, many people had positive comments and were raving saying that it was brilliant and more down pat on the books!.
A couple said they found it boring because they didn't like the film!.
But another three I was disgusted with!. They said that Mary Poppins show RUINED the Mary Poppins film!! How the hell has it ruined the film!?!?! It is different in some parts but that's because it's storyline is more focused on the BOOKS as well as the film!
"No dancing penguins, no laughing uncle!.!.!.blah blah blah"
I don't remember there being a carousel in the books!.
Why do people have to take things so seriously!?!?
Pamela Travers would have actually liked the musical more than the film because the climax and resolution were stuck with the final chapters from Mary Poppins Comes Back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Obviously the reviewers that said the show "ruined" the movie are the ones that are movie purists, who hate change and refuse to believe that hit movies can be improved upon!. If the show was the same as the movie there would be no point in going!. I think the makers of the show were brave in putting their own spin on the story, or rather a different spin than the one from the movie makers!. Trying something new is always fun!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com