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Question: Shakespere---Macbeth, master of his own fate!?
Do you think macbath, in the play macbeth, macbeth was a master of his own fate!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

To what extent is any of us such a master!? MacBeth was constrained by his own faulty belief system!. He couldn't shake his belief that what the witches (and his other visions) communicated was true!.

He also seems to have been constrained by his own mental illness, since normal people don't see daggers floating before them or the ghost of someone they've murdered!.

Of course, Lady MacBeth is also mentally ill, and winds up a babbling incoherent insomniac!.

There's a clue in the script: at one point, Lady MacBeth (when urging Duncan's murder) says "I have given suck, and know what it is to love the babe that milks me!." But later, when MacDuff is urged to avenge the slaughter of his family upon MacBeth, howls "How!? He has no children!"

This seeming contradiction resolves itself if the MacBeths lost a child in infancy--sudden infant death syndrome--a tragedy that often leads to extreme emotional instability!.

So, master of his own fate!? I'd say less so than average, since he's constrained by a belief in witches and also mentally and emotionally unstable at the outset!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No from what I remember I think that he was lead to it, in part by lady Macbeth's power hunger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com