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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Our aristocrats seems to have risen late this morning. Would this be due to ...?

Question: Our aristocrats seems to have risen late this morning!. Would this be due to !.!.!.!?
late-night discussions of the quality of the opera or play you saw last night!? Your recommendations, please, for cultural activities suitable for others of your aristocratic tastes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My dear, it was a debauched soirée!. We spent the early part of the evening discussing internal personnel matters concerning punishment of the servants!. Then things got a little frisky when Marmelade brought out his 45 year old Chateau Lafitte!. Lord Percy lost his top hat and three acres in a poker incident!. Lord Charles tripped and landed in my ample cleavage (hasn't been seen since) and Chardon dropped his breeches to show us his war wound!.
As for Rotter, the rogue had organised a strip-a-gram, by coaxing some ladies from my Women's Institute Group into performing as the Roly Polies!.
Then we all ate too much lobster and drank too much Chablis and Bolly!. I don't know what happened after that as my memory is a little fuzzy, but I seem to have woken up with a aristocratic migraine, oh!.!.!.and a Grenadier!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

round of polo followed by a relaxing bout of croquet on the mowed lawn!. followed by chase the servant [ clay of course] and then a round of whist in the evenings!.

not for the ladies though!. heaven no!. too much exercise to the brains would make them think more [they'd even think they might be equals - fahfahfahfahfahfahfahfahfahfahfah guffaw]

are we really having this sorta question on these boards *grin*Www@QuestionHome@Com