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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> WANTED Yahoo CONTACTS!!!?

Question: WANTED Yahoo CONTACTS!!!!?
i would like a contact that is very into casting,acting,theater or drama and all of that acting biz u dont have to be pro but it would help!.!.!.!.i would also like it if i can email you please!. thank you very much serouis answers,comments only!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can e-mail me if you want!. I have a website for new and aspiring actors!. As a matter of fact, have a look at this page which has lots of links to pages that will help in getting your acting career started: http://www!.actingcareerstartup!.com/teen_!.!.!.


Find out the procedure, in the city where you live and want to work!.

How many years have you studied acting!?
Are you a member of the Community Theater in the city where you live!?

If not, find out the procedure, in your city, and try to audition become a member of the Community Theater!. You will learn a lot!.

How many, "lead roles," have you performed in for your Community Theater!.

Once you have auditioned for, and performed in lead roles in your community Theater, ask your acting teacher, if he or she feels honestly believes that you are ready to act!.

1!. Ask your acting teacher if you are ready for "acting contacts!."

2!. It takes many years to "be ready to meet with or get an agent!.

3!. Take acting seriously and find a good drama teach willing to spend time to train you as an actor!.

4!. You are to anxious to "try," to get an agent!. When you book an acting role, invite Agents in your city to your performance!.

5!. Your best acting resources are your acting teacher

6!. and your Community Theater!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What do you mean contacts!? If you're looking for help knowing about the industry then you can come to me, and i will add you to my contacts!.
If you're looking for jobs!.!.!. well then you're out of luck because
For one: I doubt any real casting agencies actually go to this site
And Two: a really don't think that people would actually help you out in getting an audition!.!.!. (because with you there it lowers their chances of getting a part!.!.!. yeah pretty catty!. but that show biz for ya)Www@QuestionHome@Com

can't e-mail (even though u can)Www@QuestionHome@Com