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Question: If you know about acting!.!.!.!?
I love acting and I just recently started singing!. I am thinking about moving my career towards acting or Broadway but I'm not sure how to get started!. Please help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have the same dream as you!. It's hard work but in the end it really pays off!. My passion in life is theatre so it's an easy career choice for me!.
* study the greatest plays of all time and watch them!. What are the people doing to portray their characters!? What kind of facial expressions, movements and or voice tones are they using to make themselves believable!?
* Take voice lessons so that you are prepared for any sort of song that you might sing!. also join a choir ( such as a school choir) if it is availible!.
* Get involved in a dance class, like a musical theatre dance class or a class that combines, tap, ballet, jazz and hip hop for a great mix sure to get you oodles of leads!.
*Take an acting or improvisation class to work on acting skills!.
*Audition for any plays in your area, including school plays to add to your resume`! Take good pics of yourself and possibly get an agent if you are that serious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You get started by being in all the school plays!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Audition everywhere and add to your resume!Www@QuestionHome@Com