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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What is the dance portion of the Disney Face Character Auditions like?

Question: What is the dance portion of the Disney Face Character Auditions like!?
I tried out for the Electrical Parade, and all it really was was box steps, kick ball changes and pretty easy stuff!?

Is the face character one much different!? Harder!? Easier!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The audition that I went to was foreverything we started with the dancing portion!. It was really easy, just as you said kick ball changes, boxsteps, big arms!. You also had to do a little bit of pantomime, and then if you made it past the dancing portion and fit a character then you are asked to go up to the room of secrets, where they make you look like the character!. Then you have an acting audition, they tell you what to say then you say it in that character!. It is really quite fun!.
I have never been to any other auditon for disney, but I would assume the dances are the same if not a little easier!. Best of luck to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com