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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Are these good actors?

Question: Are these good actors!?
They are 2 4th graders and one is my sister and the other one is a friend!. (My acting SUCKS in the very begining) Here's the video: http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=kAXHK00wW!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
that was really devilish !.!.!.i would say that video was really too much overreacting so those kids are not very good actors at all !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if you want my honest opinion, here it is (this is years and years of experience and many many acting classes speaking):

The actors I really admire and connect with are not the actors that stand in front of the camera or audience and speak lines like, "I'm standing here and I'm going to say my lines because you all came out tonight"!. The actors I admire and connect with take notes of real life and notice acute things when researching their roles, and apply their real life experiences to their role!. If they know nothing about it, they act like they would if that really happened, or they go and research it, go experience it before working!. I've found my best works in front of the camera or the audience are when I let the camera and audience melt away; I speak as if they aren't there and if I was really having this experience or conversation!.

Getting to a more specific point based on what I saw here, these, with all due respect, are not the latter sort of actors -- they are the ones who say, "I'm standing here and I'm going to say my lines because you all came out tonight"!. However, with all of my experience and honed acting, I can tell these kids have potential and all they have to do to act well is not act, if that makes sense at all!. Just completely immerse themselves in the role, so that they might even adapt a few of the traits of the role, or perhaps forget they are acting at all when they get in front of that camera or audience!. I'm not forgetting their age, though! They're in fourth grade, after all; let's not judge them too harshly!.

Hope I helped!.?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, they aren't!. Overacting is not acting, and overacting is what is going on here!. Everyone needs to be more real!.

EDIT: Watch "I Know My Kid's A Star" on VH1!. They are "little kids" too but that doesn't matter in the business!. An actor is an actor despite age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the boys good!. the girl gets more into it as it goes along!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WOW!!! THAT'S HORRIBLE, SORRY!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am not i am still shocked :oWww@QuestionHome@Com

ha, wow, rly bad! That little boy is sooo gay (not like there is anything wrong with that!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

their good but it was kinda weird t he lilttle boy acted like a girl no affesneWww@QuestionHome@Com
