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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can a teenager get into show business?

Question: How can a teenager get into show business!?
I am a 16 year old girl that lives in the Sacramento area!. I want to get into show business and find an agent, so I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me!.!.!.

Curly Brown hair
Brown eyes
High Academic Achievement (straight A's & more) in a CA Distiguished School

Here's my experience:
11 years of semi-proffesional dance training
3 school plays throughout elementary & middle school
2 years of singing in the school choir with a solo
2 years of playing violin through school and a little self-taught piano
taking an acting class this summer
and doing 2 mainstage musicals this year with Solano Youth Theatre

i just want some advice on a safe way to break into the business, and if there is anything i can do to become more confident!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It all starts with training!. The more classes and community theatre you do the more experience you get!. Almost everyone starts from the bottom and works their way up!. Make sure you work well with others and keep up connections!. If you're willing to work hard with out complaining other people will want to work with you!.

The best way to get work and "break into the business" is to do as much theatre and network with as many people as possible!. This might take you until you get to college before you do anything professional or get any good contacts!. This is normal!. If you want to make it in the industry you have to be persistent!. Everyone fails at some point or another!. Keep doing as much as you can!. Try to get into a good college!. Do whatever work is offered to you!. If people like working with you, talented or not, they'll want to work with you again!. I hope this helps!.

also don't ever work for someone if they ask you for money!. A lot of agents will try to scam you into taking classes and asking for money!. If an agent wants you to take classes make sure it's not from the same company!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok!.!.!. You do realize that it's hard to get in the entertainment industry!? Right!? Well, try to look for auditions around even as an extra!. It gives you good experience and exposure!. Agents are also hard to find because they can cost money and there are certain people you can't trust!. This biz iz crazy!! But if you're really passionate about it, go fir it!. The only person that can make you successful is you!. But also keep in mind that you can't just be a pretty face or think you can act!. It does look like you have some experience though!. When you do go and audition, there is going to be people who won't like you, criticize you on the spot or you're just not what they're looking for!. That brings down alot of confidence!. But don't let people bring you down!. Take that criticism as motivation to keep on going!. This industry is pretty harsh if you didn't realize!. also, when you bring out personality, that says that you have alot of confidence!. You just got to thicken your skin!.
Most importantly, don't need the money!. If your getting in the biz just for money, you're not going anywhere!. Don't expect that your going to become famous right away!. You can be the most talent actress in the world and you may have gone to 100 auditions but that doesn't mean you'll become famous!. I just telling you the truth!. don't expect it to be easy!. (I' m telling you this from what I know and personal experiences!.) :)Www@QuestionHome@Com