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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Good Act for a Talent Show?

Question: Good Act for a Talent Show!?
I'm participating in a talent show, but I have no natural talents, so I decided to just do something funny!. My plan is to glue popcorn kernels all over a suit (so you can't see the suit at all), and then with a battery-powered hair drier, I'd go over them until they all popped!.
I got the idea from the Simpsons, but I don't know if that is possible for a couple of reasons:
-Will a hair drier create enough heat to pop the popcorn!?
-Is there a special type of popcorn that I should get!?
-Anything else I should worry about!?

also, if anybody has some other talent show ideas, tell them please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That probably wouldn't work because it was on a cartoon!. But it might!.A really great act for a talent show is magic tricks!. Magic is special because it tricks the human mind and makes it believe something is real when it isn't!. You can go to google then type up magic tricks!. There will be plenty to try!. And some you might like!. Besides magic is easy if you practice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here are a list of some quite good talents :
2!. Magic
3!. Juggling
HOPE THIS WILL HELP !.Www@QuestionHome@Com